100 gecs - 1000 gecs ALBUM REVIEW

There’s a lot of music out there that you just can’t get into. No matter what the reason, there’s always that type of music that you just don’t get the appeal of. That was bubblegum bass for me for the longest time. Rate Your Music describes bubblegum bass (or PC music) as taking ‘pop music and amplifying its cuteness and femininity to extreme levels.’ I’ve done some research, and former mainstream artists like Charli XCX have taken this route and has had a lot of success with this sound. Today, we’re gonna be looking at a more recent example of the bubblegum bass genre: 100 gecs debut album 1000 gecs. Let’s get into it.

1000 gecs is an… album with music. I have to admit, this is a very tough album to categorize. That can be a good thing or a bad thing. In the case of 1000 gecs, it’s a pretty good thing. In a strange way, the best comparison I can think of is the Kanye West and Kid Cudi album KIDS SEE GHOSTS. The best way I can connect the two is that they’re both relatively short, but they’re so cinematic and loud and something I don’t hear often in music. I also find a couple similarities in 1000 gecs to what I hear in nightcore music. You know, sped-up versions of songs with the pitched-up vocals and the ever-present anime aesthetics. Yeah, those songs. In 1000 gecs, these songs are weird and not for many people. I don’t want to use the term ‘quirky,’ but that’s a good way to describe it. There’s also a ska song, which is pretty good, somehow.

Yes, this is a shorter review because I honestly got no other way to describe 1000 gecs. It’s loud and abrasive and quirky, yet it’s something that not a lot of people can get into. The only way I’d say to form a full opinion is to listen to the whole album. Yes, I know, it’s a bit of a cop-out, but my honest opinion on it is that it’s pretty good, even if it can get old kind of fast.


Stream 1000 gecs here


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