6ix9ine - TattleTales ALBUM REVIEW
Before you read this review, I know what you’re thinking. Why am I wasting my time with this guy? First off, I need content, but that’s not the important part. Throughout 6ix9ine’s relatively short career, he’s been grabbing headlines left and right. From being kicked out of a gang to testifying to the court of his former gang members, he’s famous for everything that he’s done except for his music. Just to let everyone know, I do not think this man should have a career in music. His activities, which include pedophilia, are inexcusable for him as a person, and it bewilders me that he has a fanbase as large as it is. Either way, I like to try and separate the art from the artist in this type of situation. I can still think that Thriller is one of the best pop albums of all time, whether or not the allegations against Michael Jackson are true. So from here on out, this will only be about 6ix8ine’s career in music. I will only judge the album from the context of the music itself, not his actions.
So, 6ix9ine’s music career began in 2014 with dropping loose singles onto Soundcloud. His breakout hit, “GUMMO,” hit the upper echelon of the Billboard Hot 100, and his first mixtape Day69 ended up riding the wave of the Soundcloud rap trend to his eventual stardom. His major studio album debut, DUMMY BOY, turned heads when it had multiple contributions from Kanye West and Nicki Minaj. While it ended up being a major waste of time, 6ix9ine’s platform just grew from the Nicki Minaj stans in general. After doing time in prison and getting released because of the COVID-19 pandemic, he’s back (big mad) with TattleTales, his ‘comeback’ album that was released with a decent amount of fanfare. So, is this any different? Is 6ix9ine a changed man after getting released? Let’s find out.
TattleTales is a hip-hop album with trap, reggaeton, and even screamo influences. Let me just drag the cat out of the bag: This is dreadful. This is definitely the worst album of this year so far, but it’s not a completely useless experience. TattleTales opens with “LOCKED UP PT. 2,” a half-way remake of the Akon song of the same name. Akon actually re-recorded the chorus for this track, but this is quite a unique track for 6ix9ine. He’s conscious now…? Throughout the track, he’s talking about his side of the story, focusing on how he’s barred from seeing his daughter because he’s still on house arrest. He’s fighting for his life in prison, and it’s actually quite emotional. He’s not screaming these lyrics, they aren’t auto-tuned or anything, it’s just his voice. This was pretty decent, but after that, it’s a complete nosedive. What did you expect? Nearly every single song here is atrocious in at least one way. If it isn’t 6ix9ine’s voice, it’s the production and vice versa. It also seems like he’s very VERY out of touch with the trends. His time in prison certainly didn’t have him refine his sound at all.
Well, this is just nothing new. TattleTales is a fucking mess. 6ix9ine’s screamed delivery, horrible use of autotune, and poor choice in beats are absolutely doing him in. The ‘troll’ persona has been absolutely played out, and it’s devastatingly boring. Even with his fan base as dedicated as they are, 6ix9ine’s career has burned down in epic fashion, and we were all here to witness it. TattleTales is the worst album of the year, hands down. The day of TattleTales’ release, people were already tearing down the promo posters on the streets. If there will be an album worse than this, they have to work to do it. This is the bottom of the barrel. It can only get better from here, people.
Stream TattleTales here
Apple Music
YouTube Music

So, 6ix9ine’s music career began in 2014 with dropping loose singles onto Soundcloud. His breakout hit, “GUMMO,” hit the upper echelon of the Billboard Hot 100, and his first mixtape Day69 ended up riding the wave of the Soundcloud rap trend to his eventual stardom. His major studio album debut, DUMMY BOY, turned heads when it had multiple contributions from Kanye West and Nicki Minaj. While it ended up being a major waste of time, 6ix9ine’s platform just grew from the Nicki Minaj stans in general. After doing time in prison and getting released because of the COVID-19 pandemic, he’s back (big mad) with TattleTales, his ‘comeback’ album that was released with a decent amount of fanfare. So, is this any different? Is 6ix9ine a changed man after getting released? Let’s find out.
TattleTales is a hip-hop album with trap, reggaeton, and even screamo influences. Let me just drag the cat out of the bag: This is dreadful. This is definitely the worst album of this year so far, but it’s not a completely useless experience. TattleTales opens with “LOCKED UP PT. 2,” a half-way remake of the Akon song of the same name. Akon actually re-recorded the chorus for this track, but this is quite a unique track for 6ix9ine. He’s conscious now…? Throughout the track, he’s talking about his side of the story, focusing on how he’s barred from seeing his daughter because he’s still on house arrest. He’s fighting for his life in prison, and it’s actually quite emotional. He’s not screaming these lyrics, they aren’t auto-tuned or anything, it’s just his voice. This was pretty decent, but after that, it’s a complete nosedive. What did you expect? Nearly every single song here is atrocious in at least one way. If it isn’t 6ix9ine’s voice, it’s the production and vice versa. It also seems like he’s very VERY out of touch with the trends. His time in prison certainly didn’t have him refine his sound at all.
Well, this is just nothing new. TattleTales is a fucking mess. 6ix9ine’s screamed delivery, horrible use of autotune, and poor choice in beats are absolutely doing him in. The ‘troll’ persona has been absolutely played out, and it’s devastatingly boring. Even with his fan base as dedicated as they are, 6ix9ine’s career has burned down in epic fashion, and we were all here to witness it. TattleTales is the worst album of the year, hands down. The day of TattleTales’ release, people were already tearing down the promo posters on the streets. If there will be an album worse than this, they have to work to do it. This is the bottom of the barrel. It can only get better from here, people.
Stream TattleTales here
Apple Music
YouTube Music
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