Ichiko Aoba - マホロボシヤ (Mahoroboshiya) ALBUM REVIEW
This is beauty in its purest form.
When it comes to listening to albums by artists I adore, I tend to have a pretty big bias. Japanese singer-songwriter Ichiko Aoba is definitely one of those artists at the moment. Her most recent release, Windswept Adan, was my favorite album of 2020 and it genuinely one of the most beautiful albums I’ve ever heard. My review of it also happens to be my most popular video at the time of writing this. Since the release of Windswept Adan, I’ve checked out her other studio albums and live performances. They’re all impressive, but I had decided to review the project that left the biggest impression on me: Mahoroboshiya. This is how I felt about it.
This is Aoba’s fifth album, and based off the cover, it’s already pretty different. This is the only album that features her face on the cover. It’s her shortest album as well, clocking in at 34 minutes. Also worth going over is the word “mahoroboshiya,” which is a combination of the two Japanese words “maboroshi” and “horoboshi,” meaning illusion and destruction, respectively. The two projects before this, 0 and 0%, had some of Aoba’s most complex and dazzling songs yet. Mahoroboshiya has some of the most accessible songs of Aoba’s career so far without losing her trademark complexity. The production here has a sense of intimacy, where vocally, Aoba is sticking to her guns here, and it’s still quite stunning.
Mahoroboshiya is yet another amazing addition to Ichiko Aoba’s catalog, and with it being a great starter album to her music, you can open yourself up to the intimacy and serenity of everything about Aoba. Do not sleep on her.
大好きなアーティストのアルバムを聴くということになると、かなり偏見がありがちです。日本のシンガーソングライター、青葉一子は間違いなく今のアーティストの一人です。彼女の最新リリースであるアダンの風は、2020年の私のお気に入りのアルバムであり、これまで聞いた中で最も美しいアルバムの1つです。それについての私のレビューは、これを書いている時点で私の最も人気のあるビデオでもあります。スであるアダンの風は のリリース以来、私は彼女の他のスタジオアルバムとライブパフォーマンスをチェックしてきました。それらはすべて印象的ですが、私に最大の印象を残したプロジェクト、マホロボシヤをレビューすることにしました。これが私がそれについて感じた方法です。
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This is beauty in its purest form.
When it comes to listening to albums by artists I adore, I tend to have a pretty big bias. Japanese singer-songwriter Ichiko Aoba is definitely one of those artists at the moment. Her most recent release, Windswept Adan, was my favorite album of 2020 and it genuinely one of the most beautiful albums I’ve ever heard. My review of it also happens to be my most popular video at the time of writing this. Since the release of Windswept Adan, I’ve checked out her other studio albums and live performances. They’re all impressive, but I had decided to review the project that left the biggest impression on me: Mahoroboshiya. This is how I felt about it.
This is Aoba’s fifth album, and based off the cover, it’s already pretty different. This is the only album that features her face on the cover. It’s her shortest album as well, clocking in at 34 minutes. Also worth going over is the word “mahoroboshiya,” which is a combination of the two Japanese words “maboroshi” and “horoboshi,” meaning illusion and destruction, respectively. The two projects before this, 0 and 0%, had some of Aoba’s most complex and dazzling songs yet. Mahoroboshiya has some of the most accessible songs of Aoba’s career so far without losing her trademark complexity. The production here has a sense of intimacy, where vocally, Aoba is sticking to her guns here, and it’s still quite stunning.
Mahoroboshiya is yet another amazing addition to Ichiko Aoba’s catalog, and with it being a great starter album to her music, you can open yourself up to the intimacy and serenity of everything about Aoba. Do not sleep on her.
大好きなアーティストのアルバムを聴くということになると、かなり偏見がありがちです。日本のシンガーソングライター、青葉一子は間違いなく今のアーティストの一人です。彼女の最新リリースであるアダンの風は、2020年の私のお気に入りのアルバムであり、これまで聞いた中で最も美しいアルバムの1つです。それについての私のレビューは、これを書いている時点で私の最も人気のあるビデオでもあります。スであるアダンの風は のリリース以来、私は彼女の他のスタジオアルバムとライブパフォーマンスをチェックしてきました。それらはすべて印象的ですが、私に最大の印象を残したプロジェクト、マホロボシヤをレビューすることにしました。これが私がそれについて感じた方法です。
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