John Mayer - Sob Rock ALBUM REVIEW

I didn’t know that John Mayer had such a fascination with wet stones.

I’m pretty torn on John Mayer, honestly. It’s pretty obvious that he’s not a great person, but dammit, he’s made some great music. “Slow Dancing in a Burning Room” is one of my favorite songs of all time, and Continuum is hands down one of my favorite albums ever. It’s kind of shocking to me, knowing my taste and all that, but this is really the only solo John Mayer material I like. The rest just hasn’t appealed to me, but his collaborations with Frank Ocean are pretty top tier to me. Now, he returns to the public eye with Sob Rock, his first album in four years. I didn’t listen to any of the singles off this, so I don’t know what to expect from this. Let’s see what Sob Rock has going for it.

For an interview as promotion for this album, Mayer called this album a ‘shitpost.’ The official definition of a ‘shitpost’ follows: A deliberately provocative or off-topic comment posted on social media, typically in order to upset others or distract from the main conversation. It’s pretty funny because this actually feels accurate. Mayer feels like a parody of himself here, writing some pretty generic songs that if you heard any other singer perform, you’d probably say ‘This sounds like a John Mayer song.’ I can respect the fact that Mayer is willing to poke fun at himself and create some satire from the sound he popularized. I can’t really pick out any highlights from this because, well, it’s all the same for a reason.

I find it hysterical that I cannot find anything to write about. Coming from the words of John Mayer himself, Sob Rock is an absolute shitpost. It’s not supposed to be taken seriously, and I’m not taking it that seriously. The music isn’t that good, don’t get me wrong, but hearing it as ‘John Mayer sings generic songs that were written for John Mayer’ is a very funny concept.


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Sob Rock is a Columbia Records release.


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