Since I like these guys and I am on Earth, am I an EARTHGANG member?

I’ve always thought that EARTHGANG have stood out among J. Cole’s Dreamville label. The duo consisting of Olu and WowGr8 have always shown massive talent, and along with their features on other Dreamville artists’ songs and albums, their debut album Mirrorland began to show their potential. Now, after a tiny delay, their second album Ghetto Gods is here for the masses. Does their potential as album artists finally become realized? Let’s get into my thoughts on Ghetto Gods.

In comparison to Mirrorland, I do appreciate more experimentation in the production when it comes to creating a soundscape for this album. The entire concept of finding yourself in God and vice versa is executed very well here, and it shows that the duo’s writing and lyrics are improving as well. The one thing I’d think would hamper this album is that there are a good amount of five-minute songs and that they’d slow down the album, but they actually helped. Consistency is key, and EARTHGANG knows that. Even most of the features are pretty good too. Except for Nick Cannon, fuck him. Either way, Ghetto Gods is a success. EARTHGANG continue to impress with their experimentation in R&B and neo-soul.


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Ghetto Gods is a Dreamville release.


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