Hahaha, we?
I’ve always respected Arcade Fire more than I’ve actually liked them. Honestly, the first time I’ve even heard of the band was when I was watching Saturday Night Live a few years back, and my dad came in and asked why there were so many people on stage. After doing research, some of them perform all the instruments on tour with the group while it’s actually only six members on the studio albums. One of the members actually announced his departure a few days before this new album, WE, released. I’ve only heard a couple of their albums, and I thought they were okay, so I guess I’m expecting the same from WE. Let’s get into it.
You want me to be honest with you? I just don’t have a lot to say about this. Just like the rest I’ve heard from the group, they just sound so so pretentious here. One of the other albums from them I’ve heard in full, Reflektor, is a good example of not overstaying your welcome when it comes to music. Yes, fans will know that Reflektor is nearly half an hour longer than this, but this album just felt like an absolute slog. The instrumentation sounded okay, I guess, but this is the point I’ve hit where I just don’t like these guys that much. It could just be that I’m very tired, but the peppy lyrics didn’t hit the way they wanted to. Also, they for sure think this is deeper than it actually is. Don’t say that it’s not true. It sounds like it. Overall, I’m not vibing with WE. I’m just not on the Arcade Fire train at this point.
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WE is a Columbia Records release.
I’ve always respected Arcade Fire more than I’ve actually liked them. Honestly, the first time I’ve even heard of the band was when I was watching Saturday Night Live a few years back, and my dad came in and asked why there were so many people on stage. After doing research, some of them perform all the instruments on tour with the group while it’s actually only six members on the studio albums. One of the members actually announced his departure a few days before this new album, WE, released. I’ve only heard a couple of their albums, and I thought they were okay, so I guess I’m expecting the same from WE. Let’s get into it.
You want me to be honest with you? I just don’t have a lot to say about this. Just like the rest I’ve heard from the group, they just sound so so pretentious here. One of the other albums from them I’ve heard in full, Reflektor, is a good example of not overstaying your welcome when it comes to music. Yes, fans will know that Reflektor is nearly half an hour longer than this, but this album just felt like an absolute slog. The instrumentation sounded okay, I guess, but this is the point I’ve hit where I just don’t like these guys that much. It could just be that I’m very tired, but the peppy lyrics didn’t hit the way they wanted to. Also, they for sure think this is deeper than it actually is. Don’t say that it’s not true. It sounds like it. Overall, I’m not vibing with WE. I’m just not on the Arcade Fire train at this point.
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WE is a Columbia Records release.
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