Have Any Of My Scores Changed? (2020 So Far Edition)

Opinions change. It always happens, especially when it comes to music. So, I’ve decided to start a little series about if any of my past reviews have become outdated. I’ll be choosing four past reviews since starting this page and revealing if I had seen it in a different way, both positive and negative. Let’s get right into it.

Childish Gambino - 3.15.20

When I first reviewed this back in May, I felt very indifferent about it, eventually giving it a 5/10. I backed this up with thinking that while there are some pretty nice highlights like “Algorhythm” and “12.38” with 21 Savage, not much else hits these highs, mainly because of rough production that just simply turned me off of the overall sound. As I’ve re-listened to the album, I’ve warmed up to it, with “24.19” being one of my favorite tracks on the project, or maybe even of the year so far. Along with looking at the lyrics, there’s also a lot more political topics covered than I remember, and it really makes 3.15.20 a very depressing album to listen to, even with the somewhat upbeat sound. “0.00” still sucks, though. I still think the same thing about the Ariana Grande track, but I think it just drags on for too long for me. 3.15.20 really grew on me, and if I had to give it an official score now, I’d give it at least a 7/10 or 8/10.

Run the Jewels - RTJ4

I was pretty hyped for RTJ4 to drop, being a fan of both Killer Mike and El-P on their own and along with their past projects as RTJ. Now, I gave RTJ4 a perfect score when it first came out, but what I think happened was the hype was getting to me. While all my points still stand on what I think of the album, it’s just a little less enthusiastic now. Honestly, I’ve rarely come back to the album outside of a few tracks. While I still think it’s a great entry in the RTJ catalog, I think that the second installment is a tiny bit better. I will be revising my score of RTJ4 to a solid 8/10.

Fiona Apple - Fetch the Bolt Cutters

To many outlets, Fetch the Bolt Cutters is considered to be a perfect album. It’s the highest-reviewed album of 2020 so far, and critics don’t even think that this is her best album. That says a lot for an artist if they’re getting perfect reviews but still not agreeing on what their best album is. I originally gave this a 9/10, and like RTJ4, I think the hype has gotten to me. I haven’t come back to this album at all this year, and quite frankly, it might just be that I’m not that crazy about the album. I’m not saying that Fetch the Bolt Cutters is bad by any means, but it just really doesn’t connect with me or even have some of that replay value that similar albums that have released in 2020 had with me. I’d lower my review of this project to a 6/10 or 7/10, but that’s pretty much the gist of it.

Dua Lipa - Future Nostalgia

Throughout the year, I’ve gotten a lot of flack for not giving Future Nostalgia as much praise as Dua Lipa stans think it deserves, and they have the right to be mad. I simply just wasn’t crazy about the album, at first. While I did think it was good, I just didn’t see the appeal. I ended up giving it a 7/10, but as I went back to the project, I was realizing that “Hey, maybe I wasn’t praising this enough.” Future Nostalgia is a pretty great pop album. I’d even say that it’s ahead of its time with amazing and unique production, fun and catchy hooks, and it feels like a good experience without dragging. Yes, stans, I finally understand why you like “Levitating” so much now. Overall, I think I’d bump up my review of it up to an 8/10 or even a 9/10.

Well, that’s pretty much it. A lot of other opinions didn’t make this installment, but in a few months, I’ll be continuing this series in a bit! Catch you later!


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